Woab recorded on new old stock Fuji type II tape. Cover art printed on the original labels. Handcrafted by Marv
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Hey friends,
Sometimes we drift into paths we couldn't be aware of. I remember that I wasn't. Now, from my retrospective, I can say I'm happy that my life has shifted so much. I searched for orientation and finally found it. Since then, I haven't left the track... hehe.
This album originally released on October 21, 2020.
Thank you so much for listening with wide ears and an open heart.
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Yseto's Vestiges of Stellar Coasts was featured in frohfroh's October roundup.
Read about it here and check out all the other featured releases: https://www.frohfroh.de/41595/new-in-oktober-2023
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I hope you're all doing well!
Since the release of the album I have been recording some pieces with the ARP Odyssey. I completely reworked my workflow, too:
Working with four speakers is new to me. Over the past few months I built four speakers, a gestural controller to move sound around spatially and some PureData patches that act as effects and mixers.
The tracks I'd like to show you are a result of building and working with these tools for the first time. Es…
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Past Bedtime is a collection of tracks recorded in the photo lab, a continuation of "Lullabies for Friends" by Yethiel.
This album contains 2 hours of drone, tonal patterns and timbre experimentation with a single Volca Modular. Looping was achieved with a BOSS RC-1 looper. Warmth and distortion was provided by a Cloninger tube gain. The last track is an exception, it features the Ouroboros Electronics Alea.
The album …
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Every instrument can inspire you to take completely unique paths based on their interface, rhythm and timbre. Over time you get to know the ways of an instrument, what it can do and where it can lead you. Experimentation becomes a major way of playing the instrument and sessions become progressively more structured and musical. Timbres is a result of experimentation with synthesizers, effects and field recordings.
None of these tracks could be played like this again. The notes, rhythms, echoe…
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Yethiel has been featured on OSCILLATOR, a portuguese radio show focusing on synthesizer music.
OSCILLATOR is moderated by Nuno Pirez and airs weekly on the radio station of Rádio Universidade de Coimbra. The selection varies from show to show, some being quieter and others being more percussive. Ambient and experimental music are the dominating genres. The featured tracks really show how diverse the timbres of oscillators and synthesizers can be.
The show is great and interes…
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